September 2007
A big thanks to everyone who called to comfort me, to calm my nerves and anxiety over the stresses of commencing the 'grand finale' . Had I written this on Tuesday after school, it would have been d r i p p i n g with sarcasm ; however, just twenty four hours laser I find myself illuminated . I thought I needed to be comforted with all the right words, to have someone find a way to tell me that I'd be okay. Nobody's diction was well-selected enough for my likes, though. The lack of ease - the encounter with reality - shook off my summer skin. Now I'm back to who I've always been, sitting on the fence of mediocrity. Independant . I don't need you, although I miss you. That's not changing, I don't need to justify the devoid feeling you've left me with, but we'll be back to how we were before long. And I sure as hell don't need you . I'm bigger than that, I'm my mother's daughter, through and through, good and bad. Suck it, ...