
When I judge you, it's not based on what car you drive. I didn't see you pull in. I didn't hear the tunes blaring from your pimped speakers. I didn't see you strolling in your pimp sneakers. I don't know where you got your shirt, nor do I care to know how much you paid for it. Your hair looks fine, I wouldn't notice if it didn't. I'll judge you when you open your mouth. Do you speak your mind, do you have any of your own thoughts to speak, do you believe, do you sympathize, do you think objectively and admit when you are wrong and try to be a better person each time you screw up, do you wait, do you change the world, do you change your view, do you hurt, do you heal, do you fly, do you drag along the bottom until the heat from the Earth is too great and your skin begins to melt and your hair smells like it's burning and you scream but you're too far down to be heard? Do you try?