Our generation holds themselves higher than our parents' held the bible.

We allow ourselves to be corrupted by society. We allow ourselves to become lost in the internet. We allow ourselves to have such an excess of narcissism that we spend hours choosing what to reveal about ourselves on facebook in order to create an impression of someone we wish to be, and not at all who we are. We keep digital records of our daily events and feelings, because writing with pen and paper is so passe. We must smoke cigarettes as to occupy our hands, which may otherwise display some sort of truth, the truth of uncertainty. We must develop a reputation of consistency to form personas behind which we hide. We become uncomfortable without a connection; no cellphone, no internet, no safety net. We must illuminate the spaces in between one another with televisions, silver screens, the glow from the text message you just sent to the person you were thinking about while you were with someone else. We cannot be in silence or darkness, unless it is a specifically rebellious lifestyle. We cannot eat at home, we must eat in a social and expensive atmosphere. The money we make is burning holes in our pockets, the retail market loves our generation. But we can't find it in ourselves to love us too.