Heavy Boots

things in unnecessary amounts of packaging, how female turkeys in America have lost all maternal qualities because of artificial insemination, friends who keep telling me to quit smoking, friends who don't tell me to quit smoking, being identified as a lonely person, when beautiful people do the ugliest things, limitations, when pencils break, how i need a new laptop but love the way I've decorated the one i have, when I'm running late, time in general, graduation / uncertainty / unsuccess, that bad movies are so popular, gravel in my shoes, Will Farell movies, not recycling, people without manners, water stained pages, forgetting, how first impressions are always lost on me, smells that stick, women who still wear lip liner, minimum wage, when soulseek has bad days, people who leave water splashes on my bathroom counter, not being inspired, the ease with which my mood is swayed by the weather, home sickness, cabin fever, being so cold my bones start shivering, when scissors stick together because people don't understand the concept of cut then glue, going to school when I'm sad, how sad i feel when candle wicks drown in wax, having a domesticated pet, when people go to the movies alone, green bananas, over-use of the words 'random' or 'awkward', that RM is leaving me, that she is taking JC with her, people who don't spay / neuter their pets / careless pet owners, how under-used 'faux-pas' is, the jokes you (plural) make, Capitalizing Every Word In A Sentence, dirty / streaky windows, Ivory soap 'proverbs', the gap between the rich and the poor, harshin' my mellow, being doubted, cockroaches, stiff pillows, stray dogs, half children, aeroplanes, how nobody ever claims their favourite car to be a bicycle, the running commentaries some people feel they need to include for every picture they add to an album in facebook, hangnails, slow delivery, the Coalition Against Banning Thailand Grads From Prom, the things we don't understand and aren't going to talk about, the things i wanted to tell you but couldn't, my terrible blood circulation, therefore cold hands, cold feet, cold hearts, procrastinating, paper cuts, longing, my dry soul (or, how i only ever cry due to stress anxiety being overwhelmed and fear, never for good things like people poetry love books movies or stories anymore.), the modern world, wedding photos, how i feel during the spaces between your words, the wrong words (or, how to take it out on the wall when you can't find the right ones), nothing better to do than chew gum, "if you'd just stop wishing you felt like that, you'd be feeling something else and wouldn't be wishing you felt like that anymore" logic, my 'unfriends' plan, that guilt floods me so easily (or, I'm sorry i threw water in your face devin), buyer's remorse, getting mad at my cat for wanting to play when i'm reading, when i go an entire week without reading, how I haven't read Jane Eyre yet (and it's the biggest component of my AP final!), how i may not hate myself but i hate the things i do, how Chuck Klosterman has me pinned when he labels Billy Joel's 'lonely' as "the way it feels when you're being hugged by someone and it somehow makes you sadder."