Bottl'd up

I am going to try to do this without swearing. but i'm pretty annoyed / cheezed off at the moment.
this 'thailand' issue, which is actually the 'drinking' issue, which is actually the 'not going to prom' issue.
ultimately, i believe that all 27 of us were told:
-what was expected of us (to not drink because it was a school trip), and
-the punishments (not attending grad activities, which includes prom because prom is a privilege and not a right) if we chose to disobey the rules.
we totally chose to ignore this, due to our own speculation of comments by chaperones, and the application of our teenage distortion to these comments.
we're teenagers, we made any excuse possible to justify having a drink.
in the end, we're the only ones we can blame for this.
and to anyone who thinks that we don't deserve this because all of us on the trip are good kids, take a second to dissect what you are saying. Danielle and Megan, along with the 5 others, are really good kids because they followed the rules. the 20 of us who are suspended and not going to prom broke the rules, and now look at the stink you're raising. do you think your teachers will still respect you the same way after you're being so ridiculous? i don't.
these are not Mr Roger's nor Mrs Pollistretti's rules, therefore they cannot simply wave their hands and dismiss us from our punishments.
and you can sit in or walk out all you'd like, but it's not getting you back into prom.
in my opinion you may as well throw your own prom party, one with pizza instead of hotel food and booze instead of punch. i know you ragers all like your liquor (jk guys, jk).
and all the talking about this, all the tension and drama is driving me nuts.
like, pulling my hair out, cannot handle all this drama, NUTS.
i do not care that i am missing 5 days of school (don't tell anyone, but i actually love it). i do not care that i am missing prom (don't tell anyone, but i actually never wanted to go in the first place).
prom is not a milestone in your life unless you decide it is. i decided years ago that i can live a perfectly fulfilling life without regretting missing my prom because i don't need to get glamorous, sweat it up on a dance floor, and wait in anticipation on a buz to get back to abbotsford for the real party to start. if you just think of aftergrad as the real party, you'll get through it.
i promise, none of you will die without going to prom.
i promise, nobody will have a severely dysfunctional marriage because they missed their prom.
i promise, none of you will miss your chance at ever getting laid because you didn't go to prom (that's what aftergrad is for anyways).
i promise, you'll all be ok.