Sex, Drugs, and Cocoapuffs

"It does not matter that Coldplay is absolutely the shittiest fucking band I've ever heard in my entire fucking life, or that they sound like a mediocre photocopy of Travis (who sound like a mediocre photocopy of Radiohead), or that their greatest fucking artistic achievement is a video where their blandly attractive frontman walks on a beach on a cloudy fucking afternoon."
(p. 3)
"The main problem with mass media is that it makes it impossible to fall in love with any acumen of normalcy."
(p. 4)
"And it's not "clever lonely" (like Morrissey) or "interesting lonely" (like Radiohead); it's "lonely lonely," like the way it feels when you're being hugged by someone and it somehow makes you sadder."
(p. 44)
"However, even I liked that record [Billy Joel's Glass Houses] when I was eight. And I didn't like records when I was eight; I mostly liked dinosaurs and math."
(p. 46)
"People have always been depressed, but - during the early eighties - there just seemed to be this overwhelming public consensus that being depressed was the most normal thing anyone could be."
(p. 52)
"But it goes without saying that Michael Jordan could never date Pamela Anderson. That would cause the apocalypse."
(p. 78)