The confound aerodynamics of my heart.

The only time I've ever been in love lasted ninety minutes, and I believe I was asleep for an hour.
I was in the airport. Red eye flight. It doesn't matter where I was going. I found myself an empty boarding terminal to get some shut-eye and some peace and quiet before the catastrophe that is a fifteen hour flight.
She must have been doing the same thing. I don't think I even noticed when she sat down beside me, not until she pulled my headphones out of my iPod and attached them to hers, introducing me to something Finnish and poppy. We didn't say anything.
I fell asleep at this point, the left side of my face stuck to her pleather purple bomber jacket. When I woke up, she was painting my nails and humming.
I asked her what colour it was supposed to be.
The colour you feel when you listen to Ryan Adams in the rain.
Are you intentionally trying to make me fall in love with you?


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